DIA Group and EROSKI Group strengthen their alliance, opening up new areas for collaboration

DIA Group and Eroski Group have signed a statement of intent to implement a new project, focused on developing their own brand of products to maximise the price – quality ratio offered to consumers.

The statement consists of a new collaboration between both companies to improve the competitiveness of their own brand of products, and the purchase of other materials and supplies they need in order to carry out their activity. Fresh perishables, as well as oil, milk and eggs, are completely excluded from this statement of intent.

Both DIA and Eroski will have totally independent sales policies for their own brands, and the statement of intent will focus on improving efficiency.

Both companies will be carrying out this new project on equal footing, with a relationship between peers. They are convinced that this cooperation will enable them to achieve new efficiency that can lead to better a price – quality ratio, to the benefit of the consumer.

This new agreement gives continuity to the relationship between both companies since June of 2015 in order to improve conditions for negotiations with large providers of national and international brands. Within the DIA Group Third-Party Alliance Programme, the company has similar agreements with other distribution groups outside of Spain.