Finance and Capital Structure Committee

Chairman of the Finance and Capital Structure Committee / Independent Director
MR. Jaime García-Legaz Ponce
Date of appointment: 20th March, 2019 (on an interim basis on 10th January, 2019 and ratified by the AGM on 20th March, 2019)
Number of shares: 40,717
Number of rights: 1,034,864
Holds a Bachelor Degree in Economics and Business Administration from CUNEF (Spain) and a PhD in Economics from Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He has been a State Trade Expert and Economist since 1994. Mr. García-Legaz has held important positions in Spanish Government bodies, rising to become Secretary of State for Commerce, International Trade and Foreign Investment from 2011 to 2015. Between 2015 and 2017, he was Executive Chairman of CESCE, Chairman of the International Consortium of Credit Insurers (CIAC in Spanish) and Chairman of Dun & Bradsteet. Lastly, between 2017 and 2018 he was Executive Chairman and CEO of AENA. He is currently a member of the Board of Directors of AENA DESARROLLO INTERNACIONAL, SME, S.A., Ahorro Corporación Financiera, S.V., S.A.U., and Canal de Isabel II.
Member of the Finance and Capital Structure Committee / Independent Director
MR. Christian Couvreux
Date of appointment as a member of the Committee: 3 rd September, 2019
Holds a Master Degree in Economic Sciences from Paris University and completed an Advanced Management Program at INSEAD (France). He has spent the lion’s share of his professional career at Groupe Casino, a French convenience store chain, which he joined in 1990. After being CEO and Chairman of the Management Board from 1997 to 2003, Mr. Couvreux was appointed Deputy Chairman of Groupe Casino . Prior to that, he was General Manager of CFAO, the food retailing branch of the Kernig Group. Mr. Couvreux was a member of the Supervisory Board of food retailer X5 Retail Group, and the Board of Directors of Martinet and various other companies belonging to Groupe Casino.
Member of the Finance and Capital Structure Committee / External Proprietary Director
MR. Sergio Diaz
Date of appointment as a member of the Committee: 3 rd September, 2019
Holds a Degree in Business Administration – Finance and Marketing – from Fundação Armando Alvarez Penteado (Brazil). This investor, entrepreneur and start-up advisor has been key to the creation and strategic development of companies and brands around the world. An expert in retailing and the food industry, he joined Carrefour Group in 1988, where he rose to become Deputy CFO and General Manager of the non-food eCommerce sites. In 2002 he joined LVMH Moët Hennessy to leads its Wines and Spirits Division before being appointed CEO of Millennium (Belvedere Vodka), which also forms part of the group, in 2005. Mr. Ferreira Dias has also been Executive Chairman of and CEO of, among other posts.
Appointments and Remuneration Committee

Chairwoman of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee of DIA / Independent Director
Luisa Delgado
Number of shares: 7.307.692
Luisa Delgado holds a law degree from the University of Geneva, a LLM from Kings College, University of London and a postgraduate degree in European Studies from Lusíada University in Lisbon. She has over 30 years of leadership and management experience at companies such as Procter & Gamble, where she was CEO of the Nordic region, and prior to that Head of Human Resources for Western Europe (17 countries). She also led SAP’s Human Resources division where she was an Executive Board Member. From 2013 to 2018, she was CEO of Safilo Group, the world’s second largest production and distribution of premium eyewear group. Subsequently, she created her own investment fund focused on luxury products and today, Luisa Delgado is president of Swarovski SHI and a board member at various companies, including, Ingka Holding (Grupo IKEA), Telia Company, Fortum, Barclays Bank Switzerland S.A. and Jose de Mello.
Member of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee / OTHER EXTERNAL DIRECTOR
Marcelo Maia
Date of the appointment: 26th May, 2021 (member of the committee)
Number of shares: 0
Marcelo Maia is a civil engineer and holds a Master’s in Business Administration from the London Business School. Specialist in trade and services, with C-level in large distribution chains and in managing large companies, including mergers and acquisitions, internationalization and company start-up processes. Maia founded and managed one of the main distribution chains in Northeast Brazil, Lojas Maia, until it was bought by Magazine Luiza where he held the position of regional director. He was subsequently appointed as Secretary of State for Commerce and Services of the Ministry of Industry, Foreign Trade and Services and a member of the board of BNDESPar. He is also a member of the board of directors of Constructora de Pacaembu, S.A..
Vicente Trius Oliva
Date of the appointment: 7th June 2022 (member of the committee).
- Number of shares: 0
Vicente Trius Oliva studied Economics at the University of Barcelona, completed a course in Executive Management at Harvard Business School and at the Darden School of Business. For two consecutive years, 2006 and 2007, he received the award for the best executive of the year in the distribution sector in Brazil and speaks six languages. He has dedicated his professional career to the world of distribution for more than 40 years. He is currently executive president of retail and innovation at JBS USA, one of the largest multinational food companies, where he leads the e-commerce business. Previously, he worked in companies such as Walmart, a world leader in the sector, where he held, among other positions, CEO for Brazil for 10 years; in Loblaw, Canada’s leading food retailer, where he held the position of president; and in Carrefour, where he was executive director for Europe and a member of the management committee. He also sits on the boards of Pilgrims Pride Corporation, a Nasdaq-listed company, and Picpay.
Audit and Compliance Committee

Gloria Hernández
Date of the appointment as a member of the Committee: 7th Jun, 2022 (member of the committee), 22th Feb, 2022 (chairman).
- Number of shares: 4.826.733
Gloria Hernández is an economist specialising in Economic Theory from the Complutense University of Madrid. Her training includes specialised postgraduate studies at Business Schools such as Chicago Booth, IESE Business School and ESADE.
She has more than 30 years of experience in the financial world, complemented by positions as a non-executive director in Ibex 35 companies such as Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, where she chaired the Audit Committee between 2015 and 2019. Hernández is an independent director of Nortegas and Parkia, where she has chaired the Audit Committee since July 2021 and March 2021, respectively. Previously, she held the position of CFO at Bankinter, a Spanish listed bank where she spent 8 years, and was Chief Financial Officer of Banco Pastor between 2003 and 2010. Her experience also includes 15 years at the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Finance, where she was Director General of the Treasury and Financial Policy between 1999 and 2003.
José Wahnon Lévy
- Number or shares: 6.006.858
Has a Degree in Economics from Universidad de Barcelona, a Law Degree from Universidad Complutense de Madrid and completed a PMD at Harvard Business School. He began his professional career at PwC, where he was made partner in 1987. He headed up the Financial Services area at PwC from 1987 to 2003 and the Audit Division between 2003 and 2007. Mr. Wahnon has held board-level positions at major companies of the likes of Ezentis, Dexia-Sabadell and Bankia
Member of the Audit and Compliance Committee / Other external director
Sergio Dias
Date of the appointment as a member of the Committee: May 21, 2019.
- Number or shares: 3.067.858
Holds a degree in Business Administration, with a specialization in Finance and Marketing, from Fundação Armando Alvarez Penteado (Brazil). This investor, entrepreneur, and start-up advisor has played a key role in the creation and strategic development of companies and brands worldwide. An expert in retail and the food industry, he joined the Carrefour Group in 1988, where he rose to the positions of Deputy CFO and General Manager of the non-food eCommerce sites. In 2002, he joined LVMH Moët Hennessy to lead its Wines and Spirits Division before being appointed CEO of Millennium (Belvedere Vodka), a subsidiary of the group, in 2005. Mr. Dias has also served as Executive Chairman of and CEO of, among other roles. He is currently a board member at Distilled Spirits Holding and Distillers and Traders PTE Ltd.