Dia Group delivers 3.7 million kilos to Food Banks during 2015

December 17, 2015

The company reached this record figure, registering a 37% increase compared to the previous year.

In Spain this represents a daily delivery of more than 9,000 kilos of food.

This year, DIA has achieved a record figure in food delivery thanks to the ongoing collaboration agreement it holds with different food banks and other non-profit organisations in the five countries where the company operates. During the course of 2015, the company has delivered more than 3.7 million kilos (3,700 tons), a 37% increase compared to what was delivered last year.

By country, the amount delivered in Spain has increased by 60% compared to last year, with 3.5 million kilos, equivalent to more than 9,000 kilos per day. The DIA shops in Brazil are also worthy of mention, having delivered more than 169,000 kilos of food, representing an 80% increase compared to 2014.

These amounts are complemented by the actions initiated in Portugal, Argentina and China, which jointly add up to more than 98,000 kilos delivered to various local non-profit organisations.

These acts of solidarity have been possible thanks to the support of the company’s employees, the DIA franchises, and the various collaborators that the company works with on a regular basis, as well as its regular suppliers of products and logistics services.

Thus, DIA makes progress in its commitment to make the most of surplus stock, with the aim of getting food to the greatest possible number of people. In this regard, the company also forms part of the ‘FoodWaste’ project, an initiative promoted by AECOC (Spanish Association of Manufacturers and Distributors) designed to avoid food waste.