September 8, 2016
ING customers will be able to withdraw cash at DIA’s store network across
Via the Twyp Cash mobile app, users will be able to access up to a maximum
of 150 Euro.
Dia Group and ING have started to offer a service which is ground-breaking in Spain, allowing the bank’s customers to withdraw cash from DIA’s own store network across Spain. Via the Twyp Cash mobile app, users can request to withdraw a minimum of 20 Euro and a maximum of 150 Euro via their mobile phone at the checkout of any of the Dia Group’s different formats (DIA Market, DIA
Maxi, La Plaza de DIA, Clarel and El Árbol), provided that the operation is always linked to a purchase.
The services will be implemented progressively over the month of September, with the aim of making it available at all of DIA’s 2,900 own shops by the end of the month.
This service seeks to improve the shopping experience for DIA customers, and also facilitates the use of the extensive store network for all consumers who are not yet customers for their money withdrawal needs. In line with its commitment to innovation, this agreement will also allow the company to leverage existing synergies with all the other digital services that DIA already offers, such as the smartphone shopping app or digital coupons.
According to DIA’s CEO, Ricardo Currás, “this service contributes to the company’s strategy of being increasingly close to customers, aware of their needs and providing solutions to their day-to-day requirements”.