Customers will be able to access 5,300 items from La Plaza de DIA, including own brands
The home delivery service, fulfilled by Amazon, covers Madrid and customers can choose to receive their order within one hour or in two-hour slots at the place of their choice.
DIA and Amazon have reached an agreement to provide La Plaza de DIA with an online shop on Amazon, which as from today will enable customers to make their purchases from this new virtual establishment, which will be open 7 days a week from 8 am to 12 midnight.
Orders will be prepared from a single La Plaza de DIA shop located in Madrid, the staff of which has been increased to a total of 47 workers.
La Plaza de DIA’s online Amazon shop will offer customers in Madrid a total of 5,300 items and
customers can choose to receive their orders within one hour or in two hour slots at the place of their choice in Madrid. The range of products on offer includes all of the company’s own brands: DIA for mass consumer products, Delicious for the Premium line, Bonté for personal care and hygiene, Baby Smile and Junior Smile for baby care and AS for pet feed, as well as fruit, vegetables and fish and meat on trays.
Dia Group is engaged in a constant innovation process with the aim of improving its customer
service, seeking collaboration with other pioneering companies in their market. The agreement with
Amazon is a step in the right direction towards this improvement, pairing DIA with a partner at the
vanguard of online processes.
“DIA is very excited to embark on this new collaboration with Amazon, showing once again our
spirit and aspiration to grow through innovation, always at the service of our customers. As from today, the extensive range of products offered by La Plaza de DIA will be at the disposal of our customers on their mobile devices, enabling them to receive their orders within one or two hours at home or at their workplace. A significant, worthwhile challenge for everyone who is a part of the DIA team, which brings us even closer to our customers” states Ricardo Currás, CEO of Dia Group.