Plan de
Growing every day
Ambition 2025-29
In March 2025 we announced our five-year roadmap with the ambition of captivating the customer through the evolution of our unique omnichannel value proposition in proximity. A strategy that relies on four levers whose synergistic combination will drive business growth, generate long-term value for all our stakeholders and take Dia to the next level..
Growing every day
The roadmap to 2029 sets out a clear path to attract more customers and increase their loyalty, expand the network of stores supported by a winning franchise model, strengthen the foundations of a company that has been successfully renewed in the last five years and enhance the perception of the Dia brand associated with its ability to generate long-term value. The four strategic levers in this new stage of accelerating the growth of Grupo Dia are:

Exciting our customer
We are focused on improving the satisfaction of our customers through our unique omnichannel value proposition in proximity. With a balanced assortment of leading national and international brands and Dia products of the highest quality, the freshest fresh food in the neighbourhood, improving our stores and enhancing online shopping. An easy, fast and accessible experience for everyone.
Leading in profitable growth
We want our business to continue to grow sustainably and profitably. To achieve this, we will address the expansion of our network of stores, largely supported by our franchisees; we will optimise the logistics network to have the capacity to supply the current and future network; and we will explore other avenues of growth and revenue that fit with our strategy.

Strengthening a winning base
The transformation of Dia has resulted in a winning base in which we will continue to invest to drive the company’s growth. In this sense, the strategy relies on technology as a driver of business; on strengthening its culture and developing its team as a key piece of success; and on continuing to be an actor committed to sustainable impact to generate value in the neighbourhoods and communities in which we operate.
Highlight Dia’s value
We want to increase Dia’s visibility and reinforce the perception of the brand so that all our stakeholders know our company and its ability to generate long-term value. As another resident in the neighbourhoods in which we operate and as a company that generates direct and indirect employment to an ecosystem of more than 34,000 people and makes more than 96% of its purchases from local suppliers in Spain and Argentina.

Find out more about our Strategic Plan 2025-29, ‘Growing every day’
Discover more about our Purpose