DIA Group and EROSKI Group enter into an agreement to create a joint company to trade private labels

The company will be 50% owned by each of the groups.

It will initially include 53 professionals from DIA and Eroski.

DIA Group and EROSKI Group have entered into an agreement to create Red Libra Trading Services S.L., a new company responsible for trading private labels with suppliers and the purchase of other materials and supplies they need in order to carry out their activity, on behalf of both companies in an effort to maximize the price-quality ratio for consumers.

Red Libra Trading Services will employ over 50 professionals and begin operating as of April 24th. The new company will be based in Madrid and its capital is 50/50 owned by DIA Group and Eroski.

The Non-Executive Chairwoman of this new company will be Beatriz Santos, the current Commercial Director of EROSKI Group and the Director General will be Susana Pagés, Commercial Director of DIA’s private labels to date.

The purpose of the new company is to improve competitiveness in the private labels offering, gaining in efficiency to provide a better price-quality ratio for customers. At the same time, the sales and marketing policies of DIA and Eroski will remain independent. All perishable fresh goods are excluded from this agreement, along with oil, milk and eggs.

The company is open to welcoming new business partners.