Dulce Noelnueva calidad GENERALBy tribecaNovember 16, 2020 DIA brings its customes “New Quality” this Christmas
GENERAL, SUSTAINABILITYBy tribecaNovember 13, 2020 “DIA Contribuye” with the Great Collection and masks at cost price
AlicanteAmazon PrimeBilbao GENERALBy tribecaOctober 29, 2020 DIA and Amazon Prime expand their service in Bilbao and Alicante
Atención al clienteSalesforce GENERALBy tribecaOctober 28, 2020 DIA teams up with Salesforce to boost its customer service
dia.esrecogida alimentossolidaridad GENERAL, SUSTAINABILITYBy tribecaOctober 19, 2020 DIA launches a Community Collection for food on its online store